Saturday, June 20, 2009


We regret that due to the unprofessional manners by Lot 10 peeps - have affected us greatly which led to the cancellation of June's event.

We were only told at the very last hour before canopy set up and we've never felt upset!

We have brought this matter to the attention of their management - as it is unethical to postpone the event at the very last hour before set up especially when all of us already made the preparations.

We have buntings, posters and banners printed already and its now becoming scraps - and now become no use! We have goodies to give away but now we are saddled with all of them at home!

To all good traders - we are in the same boat just like you. Let us stay united and show these peeps that we may be small traders but we are not weak!

Heartfelt apologies to all who look forward to visit us, we knew some of you look forward to visit us in this event and Thank you so much for those who believed in us and supported us all the way.

Youthopian Team

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