First of all, we're terribly sorry for the unexpected minor hiccup...the postponement announcement that took place just 2 days ago. Some of you were surprised, but really its beyond our power and we also ensure that we inform you at least 2 weeks - not days so you can plan the necessary. Of course, we cant take into account on everyone's schedule. So is the date 20 & 21 June 2009 for REAL? You bet!!! We fought tooth & nail for the yes! muahaha!
Its better that we inform all participants now than later - furthermore, had we continue to do it on 13/14 June - we will need to face another 'music'- No electricity. So we better be safe than sorry and let the maintenance folks do their job.
In view of that, we're giving away a special RM20 discount fee to ALL our existing traders if they intend to participate again (July 2009). We might be revising the joining fee after the first instalment (June). We will put up the newly revised fee on the website real soon.
ANYWAYS, the participation to join JULY's event (same location) is NOW OPEN!
Already, we have a few on board for JULY 11 & 12th, HURRY!!
Youthopian Team
how much is it dear? for 11th and 12th july?